Project thumbnail image
College of Engineering Unit: 
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
Charles Johnston, Trent Hoyle, Jesse Sanchez and Kyle Wegner
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

The infrastructure for storing hydrogen gas H2 is currently clustered around the extremes. Large scale and small scale storage solutions abound yet relatively few mid-scale storage systems exist. For hydrogen to effectively disrupt fossil fuel energy economy storgage at every scale must be readily available. Working with advisors from the National Renewable Energy Lab, our team has developed a preliminary proof of concept design capable of storiage10 metric tons scale. Our design is intended for use in future hydrogen fueling stations with a modular design providing flexibility and suitablity for a wide range of use cases.

Industry Sponsor(s): 
  • NREL
  • Opportunities: 
    This team is open to networking
    This team is open to collaboration opportunities
    This team is open to employment offers

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