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College of Engineering Unit: 
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Project Team Member(s): 
Zachary Schindler, Ayite Mettle and Nicholas Dominic
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

Plug power is a publicly traded company that focuses on producing green hydrogen economically. Green hydrogen has the potential to revolutionize the way we use, store and derive energy from a process. Coal Fired power plants can be modified to burn hydrogen and produce electricity with a much lower carbon emissions. Hydrogen fuel cells can safely and efficiently power small vehicles with zero carbon emissions. The reason we were tasked with Producing green hydrogen is because utility vehicles such as forklifts need to burn fuel in order to have high throughput, but will pollute a warehouses atmosphere, for this reason amazon has contracted plug power to generate and ship green hydrogen to their warehouse facilities.  In order to accomplish this task we are using Plug Powers Electrolyzer technology in combination with their high efficiency liquefaction units to efficiently turn water in to pure liquid hydrogen. Cryogenic liquid hydrogen is much easier to store in its liquid form than it is in the gas form, liquid hydrogen can be up to 800 times more dense than hydrogen gas at room temperature. After boosting the pressure and from 30 psig to 600 psig the hydrogen must be re-cooled and then stored in specially designed vacuum insulated tanks. Once stored the hydrogen is  ready for transport and can be shipped to where it can be used helping us achieve a carbon neutral future.

Industry Sponsor(s): 
  • Plug Power
  • Amazon
  • Opportunities: 
    This team is open to networking
    This team is open to collaboration opportunities
    This team is open to employment offers

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