Wine Data Lake Logo
College of Engineering Unit: 
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Project Team Member(s): 
Chris Butler, Jiehui Huang, Jianbo Ning and Suge Ji
Project ID: 
Project Description: 

Wine Data Lake is a simple search engine that brings together wine techsheets from various Oregon wineries. Users can create profiles and favorite qualities about wines, techsheets and wineries for future searches, all verified through Auth0. The background of the homepage is made up of techsheets that can be clicked on to navigate to those specific wines. After entering search terms, or picking filtering options, the results page gives allows the user to refine their current search without needing to go back to the homepage. This gives a smooth experience for the user when browsing options for the types of wines they may want to find. Once they find a wine of interest, clicking on a wine brings the user to the wine webpage that gives detailed information on that specific wine allow with access to the techsheet submitted by the winery, along with the option to download if wanted. It is on this page that they can click a link to go directly to the webpage of that winery that produced that wine, although with the ability to add the wine to their favorites or add qualities from that wine that they enjoy.

 As part of this project our team has added more searchable terms, increased UI clarity, additional filtering allows with a manual entry for an administrator to add or edit wineries and wines. The Wine Data Lake web app has three primary components: a frontend web client, a backend API, and a PostgreSQL database. The web app has been coded to dynamically create the webpages for wines and wineries, this allows additions or edits from the administers to be visible immediately without needed a programming professional on staff. The primary goal of this project is to connect users with wine information and give the administrator of the webpage an option to make changes without needing to be tech savvy and allow for easy data entry.

A short demo of our project. Detailing some of the UI elements that users will come across.

Project Website(s): 
Industry Sponsor(s): 
  • Jim Cupples
  • Opportunities: 
    This team is open to networking
    This team is open to collaboration opportunities
    This team is open to employment offers

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